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Kursy językowe dla dzieci SuperMemo

Language courses for children



Kurs językowy dla dzieci Smok Memo

Memo the Dragon

Memo the Dragon is a series of language courses for children aged 4 to 6 years, tailored to their needs.

The course is divided into two parts. Children learn basic vocabulary useful in everyday life and are guided by friendly Memo the Dragon through animated boards. After learning the presentation material, the children solve two types of short, interactive exercises, thus consolidating the vocabulary.

The attractive learning concept and smart repetition method make learning easy and enjoyable from an early age!

“The Memo the Dragon series” includes courses for learning languages such as: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Japanese and Chinese!

Young Learners

An English language course for children aged 7-12 years, Young Learners is divided into three parts (Start with English, Move with English and Fly with English), which correspond to the YLE examination levels.

The grammatical and lexical issues developed in the course have been made to fit the examination guidelines.

The Young Learners course can be used as a way of complementing the school curriculum, or as self-study material for school-age children.

Each chapter begins with an interactive, animated board presenting new vocabulary. The course is distinguished by a large variety of exercises. These include selection tests, filling in gaps in sentences, true/false tasks, word and letter puzzles and drag-and-drop matching.

The student also learns grammar while working with the course. They are presented with examples using clear diagrams and tables. Each chapter also includes an animated, interactive board with dialogues illustrating the use of grammar in a communicative context.

Kurs języka angielskiego Young Learners

SuperMemo’s experience in creating educational solutions dates back to the end of the ‘80s. Already at that time, we were the first to use a system of intelligent repetitions in computer-aided learning. Our proprietary algorithm allows users to consolidate knowledge at the best time for remembering it, thanks to which our method is effective.

People of all ages – from preschoolers to seniors – can benefit from learning with smart repetitions. The mechanisms of remembering work similarly regardless of age, gender or education. For all of us, the key to effective memorization is to repeat and record information.

In the case of SuperMemo products for children the most important thing is to have fun, not to repeat. That is why we put a lot of effort into making our courses full of friendly characters, attractive graphics and funny animations.

The SuperMemo method, which optimizes the repetition process, is of course present in the courses, but it is not the most important element in working with small children, where it is worth developing their natural curiosity about the world by supporting the internal motivation appropriate for their age and development. Therefore, especially when working with toddlers, we recommend approaching our courses not as a child’s duty, but by making sure that it is simply good fun and an activity to which he or she wants to return.

Thanks to the original and up-to-date SuperMemo method you learn:

  • Quickly, as we help you minimise the time needed to retain knowledge
  • Effectively, as you remember the information that you learn, and forget about forgetting
  • Once for all!

SuperMemo Method

Frequently asked questions:

The courses are designed so that your child can learn on their own, although – especially in the early stages – adult assistance is welcome. Memo the Dragon communicates with the child during the learning process, telling him or her what to do to complete the task and indicating whether the answer is correct. The course is designed in such a way that it can also be used by children who are not yet able to read or write.

The courses for children in SuperMemo are designed in such a way that language learning intertwines with fun. Thanks to this, the youngest treat working with the course as a pleasure, and they do not need to be persuaded too much to use it. However, from the very beginning of learning, it is worth talking to your child about foreign languages and showing them why this knowledge is useful – you can travel more easily, watch children’s programmes in another language, meet friends from all over the world.

We also recommend using the course together, especially at the beginning. An adult can explain to the child how the boards work, how to learn and simply play together with him or her.
It is also important to explain what repetitions are needed and what the benefits are. You cannot force the children to do it every day, it is better to encourage them. Most children like to have some fixed elements of their daily routine – if repetitions and language learning become part of it, the results will amaze even you!

SuperMemo courses are prepared in an optimal way – relatively small parts of material encourage your child to learn regularly. This way brings the best results, and allows you to remember a lot without any effort or fatigue. Therefore, it is worth encouraging your child to use the platform on a short, but daily basis. How quickly your child completes the course depends on the frequency with which he or she learns.

  • While learning a foreign language, the child exercises his or her memory.
  • Language learning develops learning strategies and has a good influence on the intellectual development of children.
  • Children are still learning their mother tongue, and learning two languages at the same time raises language awareness and supports the development of both brain hemispheres.
  • Children feel no shame when they make mistakes or try to communicate, so the language barrier affects them much less.
  • Through playful learning, children are positive about the language, which often becomes their favourite school subject. This strengthens their internal motivation and guarantees better results in further learning.
  • Children are better at mastering the sounds of a new language than adults. Their vocal apparatus is still flexible, which increases their chances of learning natural pronunciation and intonation, which in turn has a very positive effect on their listening comprehension and accent.