-30% on all courses with the code LOVE25

The SuperMemo.com app for Android has a new functionality – speech synthesis (Text To Speech) – available for private courses and MemoCards. Now, you can easily add words to your courses in any language you choose.

How to go about it?

In the Android app, access any private course (or your MemoCards) and click the gear icon in the upper menu. When the list is expanded, select “Speech Synthesis Beta”. In the new window, pick the language to be used to read questions and answers in your chosen course. You do not have to select both – if you prefer to hear just one or the other, check only one box. Having selected the language, decide whether to apply the changes to just one card or the entire course, then confirm with OK. If later you want to disable speech synthesis, simply uncheck the right box or boxes.

Text To Speech is available for the SuperMemo.com app on phones running Android 5.0 and higher, with TTS support. https://www.youtube.com/embed/5IFYAcqrLjc

We hope the solution will help you learn more effectively.