What if I don’t have time to finish all my questions on SuperMemo every day?
Account of research leading to the SuperMemo method
Account of research leading to the SuperMemo method-3.1.
What if I don’t have time to finish all my questions on SuperMemo every day?
Since 1991, the goal of SuperMemo was to create a revision schedule that could guarantee its users to remember 90% of anything they learned. The only catch was that users needed to follow the schedule closely in order to reap the benefits. Naturally, no one did. Some people took time off from SuperMemo, while others struggled to finish all their questions every day. The more users deviated from the schedule, the less SuperMemo was able to make accurate predictions.
Over time, these problems were largely solved through many small improvements. Users were then able to act a bit more like humans – sometimes skipping questions when they were lazy, or doing other questions extra early to prepare for a school test – and SuperMemo was able to deal with it. However, it was still only partially flexible. Users had to follow the schedule most of the time for the program to work as promised. At that point Piotr Woźniak, the creator of SuperMemo spaced repetition, asked himself: could SuperMemo ever become as flexible as the humans that use it?
The exciting news is that after years of experimentation and hard work, he has found the solution! It is called Stabilization Curve, because it describes how the stability (i.e. strength) of memories improves with repetition. This formula allows SuperMemo to make far more accurate memory predictions and great schedules for you, no matter how good you are at sticking to them. Moreover, the simplicity and universal applicability of this formula means that we now have a much deeper understanding of how human memory works.
As a user, the Stabilization Curve means that SuperMemo can now flexibly adjust to your schedule instead of the other way around!
So if you don’t have time to do all your repetitions every day, just do as many as you can or want to. SuperMemo will give you great results for the time you invest and will help you easily catch up when you’re ready.
Georgios Zonnios