Hello! Norwegian
Course level:
BasicCourse level:
BasicAvailable platforms:
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Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
Basics of Norwegian in images, useful expressions and phrases from everyday life.
Do you dream about visiting Scandinavia? Would you like to see the beauty of the fiords and the Preikestolen cliff with your own eyes? Then learn the basics of Norwegian quickly and in an easy way! Our Hello! Norsk course will enable anyone to learn Norwegian from scratch. This Norwegian language course for beginners can be completed in less than two months. In this short time, you will learn over 500 of the most useful Norwegian phrases.
Your normal learning process can be made even more effective. Essential to this will be the SuperMemo method, which is known all over the world, and which optimizes the repetition time of newly acquired material to ensure that you remember it for good.
Hello! Norsk is a fully image-based course. The illustrations support the process of remembering and enable learning without translation of the terms into your own native language. The material includes basic phrases in Norwegian, which will allow you to establish elementary communication in this language. The course contains the words and phrases needed for 51 of the most important interaction situations.
All of the basic phrases in Norwegian are accompanied by pronunciation recordings by native Norwegians, thanks to which you will hear the new language right from the start. And the course’s speech recognition facility also gives you the opportunity to practice it. You will learn the basics of Norwegian very quickly, and the pictorial method adopted means that you will speak and think in the language from the very beginning!
After completing the Hello! Norsk course you will be able to cope with the following situations:
- Unit 1: being at an airport, flying by plane, dealing with lost luggage.
- Unit 2: travelling to your hotel, getting around by public transport and taxi, booking accommodation, ordering food in a restaurant.
- Unit 3: discussing hobbies, meeting with friends, visiting a museum, travelling by bike, going for a picnic.
- Unit 4: dealing with health problems, paying fines, going to a gas station, fixing your car, reporting thefts.
- Unit 5: preparing for a journey, going sunbathing, going diving, making an excursion.
The course contains basic Norwegian phrases from the following thematic areas:
- parts of the body
- feelings and emotions
- describing people’s appearance
- weather
- hotel rooms
- sports
- days of the week
- everyday items
- meals and drinks
- nationality
- professional life
- family members
- places in the city
- colours
- transport in the city
- health and beauty
- numbers.
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Premium Annual Access
- 12 months of learning for the price of 10
- You gain access to all courses
- You take full advantage of AI features